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Renewable Energy | Wind, Solar, Biofuels

Enzymatic catalysis: the hidden advantages. Can enzymes be used like a financial derivative?
The production of biofuels at scale requires a process known as enzymatic catalysis. Different enzymes as feedstock create different results, and where there's a difference, there's arbitrage. This article explains how investors can separate feedstock enzyme suppliers from producers' output to hedge or go long on biofuel marketing.

The biofuels market versus the total US fuel market: what do the Clean Air Act, EISA look like in dollar terms?
Just how large in dollar terms (TAM) are the fossil fuel and biofuel markets? How much support for biofuels is provided by the Clean Air Act? This article gives you those incredibly hard to find market statistics...

Fossil fuels vs. Biofuels the give and take dance: natural gas transmission to transesterification
Are biofuels and fossil fuels pure rivals, or are biofuels a minor supplementary player. How can biofuels succeed against massive domestic natural gas production? This article answers these questions and more...

Actual ethanol market share by producer and why financial analysts should thank the State of Nebraska
It was nearly impossible to determine the net market size of the US ethanol market and the relative market share by player...until now. We provide these hard to find statistics, with help from our friends in Nebraska!

Cost hurdles in ethanol production and how some firms are at the leading edge of innovation
Ethanol has long been touted as a backdoor subsidy to corn farmers due to its cost barriers in scale out production. This research details ethanol production cost barriers, hurdles, and how they can be overcome.

The future is here, despite some US GOP politicians’ shortsightedness about the GOP’s positive contributions to biofuels space
Unbelievably damaging rhetoric from certain members of the GOP is masking the fact that the GOP is leading the way in many ways on renewable energy and striking a balance between renewables and fossil fuels. Why is the GOP stepping on their own toes with biofuels?