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Exiting the Shadows of Theory X

Exiting the Shadows of Theory X

This 5 minute speech on how today's dysfunctions in the workplace are a direct result of management philosophy created in the 1900s to drive production out of factory workers. That philosophy, Theory X management, is still being used on today's diverse, highly educated and globally diverse workforce - to disastrous consequences. Speech became the #2 globally viewed presentation in the DisruptHR network in Q1 2024.

The same management philosophy developed in the early 1900s to drive productivity out of uneducated industrial workers is driving activity out of today's diverse, highly educated, and increasingly global workforce -- to disastrous consequences. What is this philosophy, how is it being used, why is it such a threat, and what can we do about it? In 5 minutes, this presentation covers all of those topics. It became the #2 globally most viewed in the DisruptHR network in Q1 2024.

November 6, 2023

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